Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A little break and good conversataion


We are loving Christmas break! Having a baby at midterms made it difficult to just relax and spend time together as family. It felt at times like we were just switching shifts with the baby so the other could go to work or school. The good news is that we all survived and we both got all A's! We were truly blessed this semester. Some of the blessings include having flexible schedules, understanding professors, and a baby that started sleeping at least 5 hours at night after she turned two weeks (dont hate me). This semester also taught us that we can do hard things! These last two months since having peanut have definatly been the most wonderful, difficult, exciting, happy, exhausting, and adventerous time of our lives!  Good thing we love adventures!
Anyways we are enjoying spending time together. Today, I was able to capture this sweet picture of The Germ reading to Peanut about the wild night lives of snowmen! I doubt we will ever think of snowmen the same way again! They also had a nice long conversation while he did the dishes and she supervised (she wants to go into government). They had a riviting discussion about Chewbacca (she does an excellent impersonation), butterflies, and how delicious her fist tastes. What a wonderful way to spend chistmas break!

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