Tuesday, January 13, 2015

early morning ramblings

It’s 4:53 AM and I have already been up for two hours. We have been hit with a horrible cold that causes bad coughing and gallons of boogers. Nena wakes up wanting her nose wiped. This last time I wiped her nose I realized I was using one of Sans onsies. It was then I finally just showed her how to wipe her nose on her blankets. Am I desperate or am I just practical? Maybe a little of both? I just know that she gets frustrated trying to sleep because she has “boogies” running profusely out of her nose and cries because “nose noises” AKA the sound her noise makes when sick.  Of course as soon as Nena got back sleep her brother felt like it was his duty to pick up where she left off. He is about two days behind his sister with the cold and got his shots yesterday. My little fat man just wanted to be snuggled so I obliged.  Finally, I had to let him fuss to sleep because I was afraid I would drop him because I was so tired. For anyone wondering why I didn’t have him sleep in my bed it is because The Germ and I share A full size mattress. You read that right A. Full. Sized. Mattress. There simply isn’t room for excess fat much less a baby on that bed (it does keeps us from gaining weight). When I am pregnant my poor husband gets about a foot wide space to sleep on. Anyway, San’s exhaustion kicked in about 4 minutest into his protest and is now asleep. I couldn’t stay awake holding the San-man for the life of me but as soon as my head hit the pillow insomnia kicked in. My mind started racing, which is how I ended up writing this.  I wish there was a switch that I could flip to turn my brain off but then I would end up “Sleeping like a Dad.” My husband is great at getting up with the kids but he doesn’t hear every inhale and exhale in the next bedroom like I can. So even when he gets up with the kids I still wake up so I usually just do it. Besides we are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into his schooling and would rather him do well at school and me try and catch a cat nap during the day. 

So long story short: Today will be a day of cartoons and blessed left overs and thats alright. 

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